15 Fun Drawings To Draw Easy 2022: Enjoyable And Easy Drawing Ideas For 2022

Embark on an artistic journey with “15 Fun Drawings to Draw Easy 2022: Enjoyable and Easy Drawing Ideas for 2022.” This comprehensive guide invites you to explore a world of creativity, where drawing becomes a delightful and accessible pastime for both beginners and seasoned artists alike.

Delve into a collection of engaging drawing ideas that will spark your imagination and inspire you to express yourself through the power of art.

As you progress through this guide, you’ll discover fundamental drawing techniques that will lay the foundation for your artistic endeavors. Learn the art of sketching, outlining, and shading, and gain valuable tips to overcome common drawing challenges. Whether you’re seeking to create personalized drawings for special occasions or simply want to unwind with a stress-relieving activity, this guide has something for everyone.

15 Fun and Easy Drawing Ideas for 2022

Drawing is an enjoyable and rewarding activity that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and skill levels. Whether you’re a beginner just starting out or an experienced artist looking for new inspiration, there are always new and exciting drawing ideas to explore.In

this article, we’ll share 15 fun and easy drawing ideas that are perfect for 2022. These ideas are designed to inspire creativity and self-expression, and they’re all simple enough for beginners to follow. So grab your pencils and paper, and let’s get started!

1. Animals

Animals are a popular subject for drawing, and for good reason. They’re full of character and personality, and they can be drawn in a variety of styles. Whether you prefer realistic drawings or cartoonish caricatures, there’s an animal drawing idea out there for you.Here

are a few tips for drawing animals:* Start with simple shapes. Animals can be broken down into basic shapes, such as circles, ovals, and triangles. Once you have the basic shapes in place, you can start adding details.

  • Pay attention to proportions. The proportions of an animal’s body are important for creating a realistic drawing. Make sure the head is the right size in relation to the body, and that the legs are the right length.
  • Capture the animal’s personality. Animals have unique personalities, and you can capture this in your drawing by paying attention to their expressions and body language.

2. Flowers

Flowers are another popular subject for drawing, and they’re a great way to practice your color mixing and shading skills. Flowers come in a variety of shapes and sizes, so there’s sure to be a flower drawing idea that appeals to you.Here

are a few tips for drawing flowers:* Start with a simple Artikel. Once you have the basic shape of the flower in place, you can start adding details.

  • Pay attention to the petals. The petals of a flower are often the most delicate and beautiful part of the plant. Take your time and draw them carefully.
  • Use color to create depth. Flowers come in a variety of colors, so you can use color to create depth and interest in your drawing.

3. Landscapes, 15 Fun Drawings to Draw Easy 2022: Enjoyable and Easy Drawing Ideas for 2022

Landscapes are a great way to capture the beauty of the natural world. Whether you’re drawing a mountain range, a forest, or a beach, there’s a landscape drawing idea out there for you.Here are a few tips for drawing landscapes:* Start with a horizon line.

The horizon line is the line that divides the sky from the land. It’s important to get the horizon line in the right place, or your drawing will look unbalanced.

For those looking for a bit more inspiration and guidance, the comprehensive guide Fun Doodles to Draw Easy: Reviews and Inspiration offers a wealth of ideas and tips. From basic shapes to intricate designs, this resource provides a step-by-step approach to drawing fun and easy doodles.

Whether you’re a seasoned artist or just starting out, 15 Fun Drawings to Draw Easy 2022: Enjoyable and Easy Drawing Ideas for 2022 is the perfect starting point for exploring the world of drawing.

  • Use perspective. Perspective is the art of creating the illusion of depth in a drawing. You can use perspective to make your landscapes look more realistic.
  • Add details. Once you have the basic structure of your landscape in place, you can start adding details. This could include trees, mountains, clouds, or water.

4. Portraits

Portraits are a great way to capture the personality of a person. Whether you’re drawing a friend, family member, or celebrity, there’s a portrait drawing idea out there for you.Here are a few tips for drawing portraits:* Start with a sketch.

Before you start drawing the details of a portrait, it’s important to get a good sketch in place. This will help you to capture the proportions of the face and the overall shape of the head.

  • Pay attention to the eyes. The eyes are the windows to the soul, so it’s important to get them right. Take your time and draw them carefully.
  • Use shading to create depth. Shading can help you to create depth and dimension in your portrait. Use a variety of light and dark shades to create the illusion of form.

5. Still Lifes

Still lifes are a great way to practice your drawing skills. Still lifes can be composed of any objects you like, such as fruit, flowers, or household items.Here are a few tips for drawing still lifes:* Start with a simple arrangement.

When you’re first starting out, it’s best to keep your still life arrangement simple. This will help you to focus on the basic principles of drawing, such as composition and perspective.

  • Pay attention to the light and shadow. The way that light and shadow falls on objects can create a dramatic effect in a still life drawing. Take your time and observe the way that light and shadow interact with the objects in your arrangement.

  • Use color to create interest. Color can be used to create interest and depth in a still life drawing. Experiment with different colors to see how they affect the overall look of your drawing.

Drawing Techniques for Beginners

Embarking on your artistic journey as a beginner in drawing requires a solid foundation in basic techniques. These techniques, including sketching, outlining, and shading, provide the building blocks for creating captivating artworks.

Regular practice is paramount in honing your drawing skills. Experiment with various tools and materials to discover your preferences and explore different artistic styles. Embrace the learning process and don’t shy away from making mistakes—they are opportunities for growth and refinement.

Overcoming Common Drawing Challenges

  • Fear of Making Mistakes:Recognize that mistakes are inherent in the learning process. Embrace them as stepping stones towards improvement.
  • Lack of Patience:Drawing requires patience and attention to detail. Allow yourself ample time to observe your subject and capture its nuances.
  • Hesitation to Experiment:Don’t be afraid to try different techniques and materials. Experimentation fosters creativity and helps you discover your unique artistic voice.

Drawing Ideas for Different Occasions

15 Fun Drawings to Draw Easy 2022: Enjoyable and Easy Drawing Ideas for 2022
15 Fun Drawings to Draw Easy 2022: Enjoyable and Easy Drawing Ideas for 2022

Creating drawings for different occasions adds a personal touch and makes the event more memorable. Whether it’s a birthday, holiday, or special event, a custom drawing can express your creativity and convey your sentiments.

When selecting drawing ideas for a specific occasion, consider the theme and the recipient’s interests. Adapt the drawing to match the occasion’s atmosphere and significance.


  • Personalized portraits of the birthday person.
  • Drawings of their favorite hobbies or interests.
  • Create a scene depicting a special memory or moment.


  • Drawings of traditional holiday symbols or characters.
  • Create a winter wonderland scene for Christmas.
  • Draw a festive pumpkin for Halloween.

Special Events

  • Drawings to commemorate anniversaries, graduations, or weddings.
  • Create a custom drawing to express congratulations or well wishes.
  • Design a drawing that reflects the event’s theme or significance.

Drawing as a Stress-Relief Activity

15 Fun Drawings to Draw Easy 2022: Enjoyable and Easy Drawing Ideas for 2022
15 Fun Drawings to Draw Easy 2022: Enjoyable and Easy Drawing Ideas for 2022

Drawing is not just an artistic hobby; it can also be a therapeutic activity that helps relieve stress. Engaging in drawing has been found to have several psychological benefits, including relaxation, reduced anxiety, and improved mood.

The repetitive motions and focus required in drawing can create a calming effect, similar to meditation. By concentrating on the present moment and the task at hand, drawing can help individuals clear their minds and reduce feelings of stress and anxiety.

Additionally, drawing can provide a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction, which can boost mood and promote positive feelings.

Drawing Exercises for Stress Relief

  • Freeform Drawing:Allow your hand to move freely on the paper, creating abstract shapes and lines without any specific goal in mind. This exercise helps release tension and encourages creativity.
  • Zentangle:Zentangle is a structured drawing method that involves creating repetitive patterns within a small square. The focus on precision and detail helps calm the mind and promote relaxation.
  • Nature Drawing:Spending time in nature and drawing what you observe can be a grounding and calming activity. The beauty of the natural world can inspire positive emotions and reduce stress levels.
  • Doodle Art:Doodling is a playful and spontaneous form of drawing that allows you to express your thoughts and feelings without judgment. It can help reduce anxiety and promote relaxation.

Drawing for Children

Encouraging children to draw is essential for their cognitive and emotional development. Drawing allows children to express themselves creatively, explore their imaginations, and develop fine motor skills.

Drawing enhances creativity by fostering a sense of imagination and exploration. Children can create their own worlds and characters, and tell stories through their drawings. Drawing also improves fine motor skills by requiring children to control their hand and eye movements, which is crucial for writing and other activities.

Tips for Making Drawing Fun for Children

  • Provide a variety of drawing materials, such as crayons, markers, pencils, and paper.
  • Create a dedicated drawing space where children feel comfortable and inspired.
  • Offer encouragement and praise for children’s efforts, regardless of their skill level.
  • Use drawing as a way to connect with children and learn about their thoughts and feelings.
  • Set aside regular time for drawing, even if it’s just for a few minutes.

Drawing as a Creative Outlet

15 Fun Drawings to Draw Easy 2022: Enjoyable and Easy Drawing Ideas for 2022
15 Fun Drawings to Draw Easy 2022: Enjoyable and Easy Drawing Ideas for 2022

Drawing is not just a skill; it’s a powerful creative outlet that allows individuals to express their emotions, ideas, and experiences in a unique and meaningful way. It’s a form of self-expression that can promote personal growth and well-being.

Benefits of Drawing as a Creative Outlet

Engaging in drawing as a creative outlet offers numerous benefits, including:

  • Emotional Expression:Drawing provides a safe and cathartic space for individuals to express their emotions, whether positive or negative, through visual representation.
  • Idea Generation:It stimulates creativity and helps generate new ideas by allowing individuals to visualize and explore concepts in a tangible form.
  • Self-Discovery:Drawing can serve as a tool for self-discovery, enabling individuals to gain insights into their inner thoughts, feelings, and experiences.
  • Stress Relief:The act of drawing can be meditative and calming, reducing stress levels and promoting relaxation.
  • Personal Growth:Engaging in drawing regularly can enhance problem-solving skills, improve hand-eye coordination, and boost self-confidence.

Artists Who Embraced Drawing as a Creative Outlet

Throughout history, numerous renowned artists have utilized drawing as a primary means of creative expression. Some notable examples include:

  • Leonardo da Vinci:Known for his intricate sketches and anatomical drawings that captured the human form and nature.
  • Pablo Picasso:A prolific artist who explored various drawing techniques, including Cubism, to express his unique perspective.
  • Vincent van Gogh:His expressive and emotionally charged drawings conveyed his inner struggles and experiences.
  • Henri Matisse:A master of line and form, Matisse’s drawings simplified shapes and colors to create striking compositions.

By embracing drawing as a creative outlet, individuals can unlock their artistic potential, enhance their self-expression, and embark on a journey of personal growth and well-being.

Drawing Tutorials and Resources

15 Fun Drawings to Draw Easy 2022: Enjoyable and Easy Drawing Ideas for 2022
15 Fun Drawings to Draw Easy 2022: Enjoyable and Easy Drawing Ideas for 2022

Enhancing your drawing skills requires dedication and the right resources. Online platforms offer a wealth of drawing tutorials, resources, and communities to guide aspiring artists on their journey. Utilizing these resources provides invaluable benefits, such as learning new techniques, receiving constructive feedback, and connecting with fellow artists.

Various online platforms cater to different learning styles and skill levels. Some popular options include:

Drawing Tutorials

  • YouTube:A vast repository of drawing tutorials covering various subjects and techniques, from beginner-friendly lessons to advanced masterclasses.
  • Skillshare:An online learning platform offering a wide range of drawing courses taught by experienced artists.
  • Udemy:Another online learning platform with a diverse selection of drawing courses for both beginners and advanced artists.

Drawing Resources

  • Pinterest:A visual search engine that allows users to discover and save drawing references, inspiration, and tutorials.
  • DeviantArt:A large online community of artists where users can share their artwork, find inspiration, and connect with others.
  • Drawspace:A website dedicated to providing free drawing tutorials, resources, and a supportive community for artists.

Drawing Communities

  • Reddit:Subreddits such as /r/drawing and /r/learnart offer a platform for artists to share their work, ask for feedback, and connect with others.
  • Discord:Various Discord servers exist where artists can interact, share their work, and participate in challenges.
  • Local art groups:Joining local art groups or attending workshops provides opportunities to connect with other artists in person.

By utilizing these drawing tutorials, resources, and communities, aspiring artists can accelerate their learning, gain valuable insights, and find support and motivation on their artistic journey.

Drawing Inspiration from Nature: 15 Fun Drawings To Draw Easy 2022: Enjoyable And Easy Drawing Ideas For 2022

15 Fun Drawings to Draw Easy 2022: Enjoyable and Easy Drawing Ideas for 2022
15 Fun Drawings to Draw Easy 2022: Enjoyable and Easy Drawing Ideas for 2022

Drawing inspiration from nature is a rewarding and enriching practice that can enhance artistic skills and foster creativity. By observing and drawing natural elements, artists can capture the essence and beauty of the world around them, leading to unique and expressive artworks.

Drawing from nature offers numerous benefits. It improves observational skills, as artists must pay close attention to details and proportions. It also enhances the understanding of form, light, and shadow, as natural elements provide a rich source of study. Furthermore, drawing from nature promotes a connection with the environment and fosters a deep appreciation for its beauty.

Capturing the Essence of Nature

  • Observe and study the subject carefully, paying attention to its shape, texture, and details.
  • Use a variety of drawing techniques to capture the essence of the subject, such as line, shape, and shading.
  • Simplify complex forms into basic shapes to make the drawing process more manageable.
  • Experiment with different perspectives and angles to create dynamic and interesting compositions.

Essential Questionnaire

Is this guide suitable for complete beginners?

Absolutely! The drawing ideas and techniques presented in this guide are designed to be accessible to artists of all skill levels, including beginners.

What materials do I need to get started?

You’ll need basic drawing materials such as pencils, an eraser, and paper. Additional materials like charcoal, pastels, or markers can enhance your drawings.

How can I overcome drawing challenges?

This guide provides practical tips and exercises to help you overcome common drawing challenges, such as proportions, perspective, and shading.